入學方式 Admission

Admission Qualifications

Public or private kindergarten graduates, elementary school students.

Students with equivalent qualification as verified by the Ministry of Education.

Students with special circumstances not mentioned in the previous two points or students who have not already enrolled in other institutions. Students who have already enrolled in other schools should acquire stamped statement from the previous school forfeiting their eligibility.


Public or private kindergarten graduates, current elementary school students, or those of the same age.

How to Apply:

Parents can apply for qualified students in person, by phone, or visit us at our seminars. Students can only choose from on specialization upon admission.

報名資格 :

  1. 公立或私立幼稚園應屆畢業生或國民小學學生。

  2. 經教育部確認具有同等學歷的本國或國外學生。

  3. 前2點之未參加其他入學管道,或已參加其他入學管道未獲錄取,或錄取未報到,或錄取並完成報到但於前述各入學管道簡章規定日期前,取得錄取學校蓋章同意之放棄錄取資格證明文件者。

招生範圍 :

  1. 各公私立幼稚園應屆畢業生、國民小學學生。

  2. 適齡幼稚園畢業生與國民小學學生。

招生方式 :
