February 2021

全新推廣潛能開發課程 烘焙 Culinary Skills

全新推廣潛能開發課程 西洋劍 Fencing

2021/2/5 [ 109-2 ] 下學期開學日延期至2/22 Spring Semester Opening Day Announcement

On Wednesday (Feb. 3rd), the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that the reopening of K-12 schools after their winter holiday will be postponed to Feb. 22nd to allow for proper COVID-19 control measures. On Feb. 19th our campus will be disinfected as well. The delayed schedule will push the end of the semester to July 2nd, meaning that summer vacation will not start until July 3rd.

109-2 雙語潛能探索推廣課程