March 2021

課堂照片 Class photos

西洋劍 Fencing

烘焙 Culinary

足球 Soccer

國標舞 Ballroom Dance



Chinese Martial Art 中國武術

Coding 程式語言

2021/3/24 Swimming Class

2021/3/18 潛能開發推廣課程

2021/3/12 桃竹苗中小學校長 實驗教育學術交流


2021/3/11 Schools Now! 國際教育論壇

校長本週代表約翰師生參加由英國文化協會所舉辦的「Schools Now!」國際教育論壇。為期兩天的國際線上會議將探討領導性合作主題,國際會議每年由英國文化協會邀請合作學校,共同討論如何結合老師、家長、學生與當地資源來建立學習的大環境。

Principal Chan will participate in Schools Now! international education conference this week. The two-day online conference will explore the theme of Leading Collaboration: partnerships that benefit your school and the wider community. The conference will explore how leaders from British Council Partner Schools can foster a collaborative environment with learners, teachers, parents and local agencies that make up the wider school community.

2021/3/5 我們今天製作了鬆餅喔!We made pancakes today!


We made pancakes today at the English Level 1 Class!
The students have learned the vocabulary about the Ingredients for making pancakes and learned how to make pancakes 🥞
It’s fantastic! Everyone’s learned a lot and ate yummy pancakes😋

2021/3/5 我們可以做些什麼讓地球變更好呢? How can we make it better? 🌎🌎🌎