May 2020

電話報名說明會 : 03 - 6581938 線上報名說明會: 點我線上報名 ( Register Online )

2020/5/28 English Class: Cause & Effect

Using the true story of Marian Anderson, students were encouraged to think about the cause and effect to answer common questions like why and how. This leads to the understanding of chain reaction and sequence of events. The skill is then applied to different stories to reinforce students' grasp and ability to think critically.

今天的英文課我們讀到了美國 瑪麗安·安德森的故事。安德森是歷史上一位非常重要的非裔藝術家,在當時充滿種族歧視的年代裡,她克服了種種的偏見、鬥爭與困難,最終留下許多精采的作品。老師在閱讀課中鼓勵學生思考因果關係,來回運用在不同題材上,培養學生在未來生活中也有獨立思考的能力。

2020/5/18 English: Directional Essays 指導性文章

In English class we learned to craft a "Directions Essay" - that is to say a "How to do something" essay. The students again had to find out how to do something at home and then write down the steps that had to be followed. For their presentation they introduced their materials along with their PPTs. They then actually recreated the steps in class as part of their presentation, all the while delivering their speech. The students created fantastic Lego cars, delicious fried rice and delectable bean and salsa tacos!

2020/5/18 Science: Pop-pop Boat 噗噗船實驗

In Science we have explored the states of matter, transfer of energy (with a focus on heat energy and kinetic energy) as well as the differences between a physical change and a chemical reaction. The Pop-pop boat project we did was ideally suited to reinforce and help explore all that we had learned.

2020/5/15 Math Class: 城市設計師 City Designers

For math class the students had to design a city. As the city's head engineers, they had to get permits from the city council (the teacher) by passing tests on shapes, solids, nets, angles, area, perimeter and much more! We discussed all the things a city should have. From these brainstormed lists we created a key dictating shapes and angles as well as the key buildings that make up a city.

Students then had to plan the roads and connections between 10 different districts. These included an entertainment area, tourist attractions, parks, suburbs, city living, city hall, public works, industrial park, downtown and a business district. Each building incorporates the angles and shapes on the keys.

預約報名專線 : 03 - 6581938

線上報名連結 : 點我線上報名 ( Register Online )